A New Reconciliation Ministry in Zimbabwe?

Help us raise £2000 by January 15th 2025!

Next year, ‘We are One!’ has agreed to raise £2000 as a working budget to help support the establishment of a new reconciliation ministry in Zimbabwe.

Pastor Musora, Pastor Chidewu and their wives were all trained at the International School of Reconciliation (ISOR) in Kigali, Rwanda earlier this year. There, they met my long-standing friend and Global HHTN leader, Pastor Joseph Nyamutera. They did the full 3 week course and have now become fully trained facilitators of the HHTN programme.

We hope in time to set up a Zimbabwe School of Reconciliation, but as an initial step we have all decided to host two pastors prayer breakfasts, one in Harare on January 18th and the 2nd in Bulawayo on January 25th. Invitees will be local pastors and Christian key workers that are among their contacts; perhaps 25 or so in number. Joseph will speak at these events and I will lead some worship. We will also be seeking the Lord together and visiting some key sites around the Bulawayo region for prayer and repentance. We are looking to the Lord to use these events to build a small network team from different backgrounds who could work together to host future HHTN conferences in different parts of the country, and give opportunity for people who have experienced historic trauma in their lives to be healed.

So many in Zimbabwe have been carrying wounds from the past and have experienced hopelessness on account of the broken political system that discriminates against them. These would include many living in borderline poverty, dispossessed farmers (black and white), and those who have lost family through war and tribal conflict, among others.

Can you help? Zimbabwe is a country in financial crisis, has no hard currency, and currently experiences crippling inflation. Our pastor friends have been diligent in organising both events, largely in faith that funds will be available to pay the bills.

If you’d like to send a donation, please click the donate button below. Thank you so much!